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And welcome to Nikki Wright Associates, my name is Nikki and I'm the founder of the company. 
I wanted to start my business so that I can focus on my passion, developing and supporting people to recognise and achieve their full potential.

Why? Because I was always referred to as a late starter in life; I did OK at school, but wasn't considered to be academic until I studied for my Masters in my 40s, with a full time job and three children. Through sheer grit and determination,  I studied part time for two years, kept up a full time job and achieved a distinction. I then went on to continue my studies by completing a postgraduate diploma in executive and leadership coaching and I haven't stopped learning since. 

I believe that with the right support and development anyone can achieve anything and no matter how stuck you feel there is always a way forward, sometimes you just need a little help to see the light. 

I am determined to share my knowledge and experience with others so they to can achieve great things and make a difference for themselves, their families and their places of work. 

I love the saying,  'If you think you can, you can', so don't put it off for another year, book your free consultation and see where it takes you.  

I look forward to speaking to you soon. 

Best wishes 



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We are a values-led company so our reputation for integrity and professionalism is at the heart of everything we do. 


  • Confidential - We don’t share your information with anyone else*

  • Professional – Over 20 years working across Banking, Energy, Construction, Local and National Government.

  • Educated – Specialists in our fields, supported by relevant qualifications, training and current industry-related experience. 

  • Ethical – All of our coaches follow an accredited Code of Conduct. 

  • Honest - If we can’t help, we will tell you upfront. If we are working with you, once you have reached your goals, we won’t keep you hanging on and paying us for no reason. 

  • Reliable – We will always stick to the agreed time and date for your meeting/workshop. If we need to change anything, we will provide at least 48 hours’ notice (unless in exceptional circumstances).

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